In this post, I will review the “Investable” course that was co-created by Rina Hicks of MoneyWise and Val Njoroge of Africa’s Pocket.

(This post is not sponsored.I paid fully for the course)

In the last post I discussed the general principles to consider before you start investing. Those points are meant to give you an idea of what you want out of investing. Based on your answers, you need to see what options are available to you.

Before this course was created, I had this big goal of talking about every single investment option in Kenya on my platform. That would have probably taken me a year to put together and share.

Africa’s Pocket had teased this course late last year so I was prepared to do it as soon as it came out. Once it was out, I didn’t even think twice about it.

What is ‘Investable’?

Investable is a detailed course on investing in Kenya. The course is 10 hours long and is broken down into 5 modules. It runs over a span of 5 weeks with weekly live Q&As.

The cost

This course costs $250 ( around KES 27,000)

This is a lot of money, no doubt.

Course content

By the end of the course, they say you will be able to:

  • Create an investment plan that works for your income, goals and your lifestyle.
  • Understand how to evaluate investment opportunities and how to make investment decisions
  • Diversify your investment portfolio, so you don’t have all your eggs in one basket

Some of the content in the course was familiar to me because I have been reading about finance not only from Rina and AfricasPocket but from all over the internet since late 2019. I have easily put in thousands of hours into improving my financial literacy and I still have so much to learn.

Is it worth it?

I will not rate this course based on whether you can find this information for “free”. I think that with anything, you are either spending your time, money or both.


  • Saves time. This course will save you a lot of time scouring the internet and reading many books on investing, like I did.
  • Detailed list of investment options. Investable breaks down every single investment option in e-books that are available within the course. They give you tips on what the investment is and what it is best used for.
  • Tools. There are also a number of valuable tools like exercises and spreadsheet that you might not find elsewhere for free.
  • Access to experts. The weekly Q&A sessions are a chance to bring up any questions you have. During the course, they brought experts on retirement planning and cryptocurrency. These sessions were so informative!
  • Practicality. My favourite part of the course was the final module where Rina and Val used practical examples to tie everything taught in the course together.
  • Community. The graduates of this course created a forum where we continue to discuss investments after completing the course.


The course had over 100 participants. During a one hour Q&A session, it wasn’t possible to answer every single personalized questions. They did try to.

Even after the course, most of us would still need some one on one advice on investing.

However, because of what we learnt, we are now equipped to narrow our investment options down, avoid rookie mistakes and ask the right questions.

Would I recommend this course?

Yes, I would. I felt that it was worth every penny.

However, this course won’t do the work for you. It gives you some of the tools but the bulk of the work is yours.

They teach you how to assess investment products but they won’t tell you which one to go for. They are not biased towards certain companies or products. They leave this part entirely up to you.

You have to do the exercises , read the material, ask questions, seek personalized advice and actually begin investing.

Thanks to Investable, I know what investment opportunities I would like to pursue based on my personal goals and values.

I am also confident that I can always reach out to MoneyWise or Africa’s Pocket for any personalized financial advice.

Have you ever taken a financial course before? If yes, which one? Was it worth it?

Thank you so much for stopping by!

“Always remember that your hair is your crown and your body is a temple; embrace it, love it and take care of it.”

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