0 0 By Sharon_Malonza BEAUTY BLOG SKIN HOW TO PATCH TEST SKINCARE PRODUCTS What is patch testing ? Patch testing is routinely done by dermatologists to diagnose certain conditions like eczema, seborrhoeic dermatitis,…
6 0 By Sharon_Malonza BEAUTY BLOG SKIN THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CHOOSING FACIAL OILS Facial oils have become increasingly more popular in the recent years. There are so many in the market and it…
0 1 By Sharon_Malonza BEAUTY BLOG SKIN WHAT IS THE SKIN BARRIER? Understanding the skin barrier is one of the most important first steps to building a good skincare routine. The next…
2 0 By Sharon_Malonza BEAUTY BLOG SKIN KRAVE BEAUTY GLYCOLIC ACID TONER REVIEW In this post, I review the Krave Beauty ‘Kale-lalu-yAHA’ glycolic acid toner. I rate this product based on the price,…
0 1 By Sharon_Malonza BEAUTY BLOG SKIN THE ORDINARY LACTIC ACID 5% + HA REVIEW Salut! In case you’re new here, I’m Sharon . I share content on the science of beauty, wellness and overall…
0 0 By Sharon_Malonza BEAUTY BLOG SKIN EXFOLIATION 101 : CHEMICAL VS PHYSICAL EXFOLIATION Salut! In case you are new here, I’m Sharon. I create content around my passion for the science of beauty,…